Great Interview


– These are not professional interviewers so, many times, you can make a great impression by the
questions you ask. This is the most important aspect of interviewing successfully!

– Potential employers want to see an enthusiastic person who they feel can get the job done. A firm
handshake and looking the interviewer in the eye are key.

– Don’t worry about extended periods of silence as the prospective employer is envisioning you in
his/her workplace.

– If you don’t have the answer to a question it is best to reply with: “I am unsure of the answer.” Then
go on to describe how you would research the answer. Thanks “Google it”

– If you are unsure of what you are being asked it is a good idea to ask the questioner to rephrase the

– If you are asked “Tell me about yourself” you should answer “I would love to and where do you want
me to start”. This avoids a lengthy answer and gets you to cover the area the questioner had in mind.

– When asked about your strong points prepare clear examples of why this is a strong point and how it
will bring value to the organization.

– When asked about your weak points it is perfectly fine to have one or two examples but be prepared
to discuss how you are trying to overcome them.

– Avoid mentioning compensation. That is part of my job. Instead, say that you are looking for an
opportunity to advance your career and you know you will be treated fairly. If a question concerning
relocation or similar comes up and you don’t know the answer, a proper reply is “May I ask my
recruiter about that?”.

– Be prepared to talk about your leadership qualities and give examples. This is very important to many

– Describe your greatest career achievement to date and the reasons.

– Describe your biggest career disappointment and the reasons.

– Be sure to prepare a response and the reasons you want to work for this company or firm.





– What attracted you to this company?

– What makes you stay?

– What is the role of the actuary in this company?

– What challenges do you face?

– Would you describe a typical week for me, please?

– How will my performance be measured?

– Will I learn anything here that is different from the other companies?

– How will my career be furthered by working here?

– Would you give me a brief overview of the study program a) study time b) books and seminars c)
financial rewards?

– How can I come in and hit the ground running?

– What have other employees done to succeed in this position?

– I am interested, what is the next step? Asking questions and the last three are the nexus of a
winning interview!